

The charter agency “Auszeit-Yachtcharter” was founded in 2015 by the enthusiastic sailors Daniel & Markus.

What has emerged from their vision and passion for sailing in recent years, still seems like a dream to them. With the gained routine on the Baltic and North Sea, their own charter experiences in the diverse sailing areas of the Mediterranean, impressive experiences on the Atlantic and rapid adventures on the Pogo matured in them the thought for their own boat. The decision fell then actually on a very well configured and fast Hanse 415 – with the name “auszeit”. This boat was so popular that it was booked in shortest time the entire SEASON.

At this time the idea arose to find fleet operators as a charter agency, who also attach importance to well-equipped ships. At Auszeit-yachtcharter the personal contact and the wishes and needs of the customers are in the center. With a 10-year experience as a charter agency, they work almost exclusively with fleet operators who have shown / proven their reliability in recent years again and again. Auszeit-yachtcharter has been checked and trusted by Yacht-pool for years.

The feedback from their clients allows them to constantly challenge themselves and stay in constant exchange with fleet operators. They are aware that standing still means falling behind and continuously strive for improvement.

In recent years, they have also repeatedly invested in their own boats in Croatia. The flagship is currently the Hanse 588 “Hot Stuff” in Kastela.

"Many thanks to NauSYS and the whole team for the excellent cooperation. Thanks to NauSYS, the visibility of the yachts on our homepage has been increased and our business processes have been facilitated by perfect workflows. NauSYS is not only a booking system with real-time availability, much more a valuable partner who always supports us with solutions and development ideas. We are looking forward to further great cooperation."


Let us discover a bit more….
After many years, what was the key factor that made you decide to upgrade to the Premium Partnership?
After many years of successful cooperation with the NauSYS database and the NauSYS team, it was only logical to take the next step. As a Premium partner, we are proud to be part of a growing network of companies committed to excellence and innovative solutions in the charter industry.
What are the benefits that you find most valuable when using our booking system?
A great advantage is the API Data Stream, which allows us to present the availability of more than 7,500 yachts worldwide in real-time on our homepage.
The intuitive user interface has enabled us to optimize our processes, create quotes quickly and manage data and bookings optimally.
We were also particularly impressed with the exceptional customer support we received from the NauSYS staff. When we had questions or concerns, we were always supported promptly and professionally.
In which way would you say that NauSYS improved your business activity and to what extent?
The NauSYS system has proven to be extremely powerful and has been instrumental in increasing our operational efficiency. The regular updates ensure that we are always on the cutting edge of technology and can benefit from the latest features and improvements. In short, thanks to NauSYS, we can work more quickly and effectively.
Which services are you using, and what is your perspective on them, should others be on NauSYS too?
We use the excellent API Data Stream and send offers and charter contracts directly from the system. Payments to fleet operators and receipt of payments from charter customers are also optimally documented in the system. This facilitates many workflows and makes processes leaner.
Thank you for your time and keep enjoying NauSYS real-time platform.